What to do while you wait for surgery…a patient’s perspective

written by Erica Quam

Erica Quam in front of Prime Sign with crutches

I broke my ankle March 8th.

There’s no epic story of how it happened. I wasn’t out on a big adventure. It was just a clumsy moment - catching a toe wrong and tripping up stairs - with a bad landing.

I’ve had minor injuries - a fractured elbow, a separated AC joint, a stress fracture, a partial thickness burn and some overuse injuries to take care of from my career as a swimmer. I’m grateful and recognize the privilege of living a healthy life with few obstacles to slow me down. I haven’t had an injury or any illness that’s required surgery. Until now.

I’m writing this article the day before my surgery - which is tomorrow - March 21st.

People say you take your health for granted until something happens. And now I fully relate to that. My health and mobility is something I write on my gratitude list. Right now it has a greater significance.

My paradigm and perspective have shifted over these last 13 days. After losing a good friend to cancer and seeing other friends my age or younger going through chemo, I realize that my broken ankle is just an inconvenience. It’s fixable.

And I feel empowered and confident about the outcome…because I haven’t just been sitting around waiting for surgery.

I’ve been able to take full advantage of the services, the tools, the experts and the community at Prime.

Acute injury care

Erica Quam using NormaTec leg compression on left leg and GameReady ice and compression on right ankle.

Since I knew my ankle was more than a sprain or a strain I went to urgent care the day after my injury to get x-rays. I got a walking boot and some crutches to stay off my ankle.

I immediately got into Prime to start using GameReady ice on my right ankle for a 20-minute treatment at least twice a day since the injury. The Cold Laser is another recovery tool that’s helped keep my swelling down.

Kerry also has done light massage to help with swelling and helped me keep my toes moving and even suggesting correct toes - which has felt great.

Take care of your other parts

Since I injured my right ankle, my left side has been doing a lot of extra work.

I’ve used a NormaTec compression boot on my left leg while icing my right ankle. I’ve rolled out my left foot with a lacrosse ball. I use the massage roller to release tightness in my left lower leg and both quads and hamstrings.

Cold Laser treatment of right ankle

A Community of Support

Injuries can be isolating. It takes more effort to get around and depending on your injury you may have to bum a ride to get out and about.

Our team has been so supportive and curious to hear how I’m feeling - watching my bruising change colors, asking questions, sharing their expertise and doing everything they can do to help.

Prime has given me a place to connect with community and learn about other people’s injuries and experiences. It’s a space where I’ve built camaraderie, watched other patient’s progress and met new people so we can cheer each other on.

Tomorrow is the big day!

I’ll be back in Prime as soon as I can after surgery to use all the tools to feel better faster and get back even stronger.

Thanks to everyone on the team for what you do at Prime. I'm so grateful to experience the benefits of your knowledge, skills and compassion first hand!


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