Travis Thieszen, Licensed Massage Therapist

MA, LMT, RYT-200, Reiki Practitioner

LICENSING: # MA61251937

I provide Thai yoga massage. Thai style combines the practices and benefits of both yoga and massage.

It tends to fill in the gaps between other therapies. Instead of a table, we work together on a cushy floor pad, incorporating more dynamic movement. Just as yoga works with the bodymind to effect change, so does Thai. Thai is very supportive in allowing the body to open up and recruit its own abilities as an ally in healing.

My bodywork focuses on somatic, therapeutic touch. Thai massage provides the structure for what I do.

Have you ever heard of Thai massage? Because you’re about to now!

Thai massage emerged as a branch of yoga bodywork combined with massage and manual therapy. Yes, it is as delightful as it sounds, and it can also look very different from one experience to the next. It is a great way to work with the somatic intelligence of the bodymind. Thai yoga massage is such a rich tradition of practices that are very expansive, and I can see how there is so much opportunity to creatively pair Thai bodywork with physical therapy and all the other modalities we have at Prime. I am excited to explore this as a team and open up possibilities for people. There isn’t much access to it, but I think that is changing.

Beyond that, my practice reflects my own path through injury (farm life and sports), therapy, and learning to approach life more holistically. I started yoga and Zen practice in 2009. I began teaching yoga in 2016 and practicing reiki in 2017. When COVID quarantines started in 2020, I decided to double down and start massage licensure. A risky move, right, but one that has paid off more than I can say. Through experiencing the self as a fully integrated bodymind, I like to help people recover and push further than they’ve gone before. What starts out as treatment for an issue like injury or recovery can create opportunities for greater well being, personal growth and self-fulfillment.

What should I expect for a Thai massage?

Thai massage is done on a cushioned mat on the floor and clothes are left on. It's important to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing that is easy to move in. With other forms of massage, you typically remove all or most of your clothing.

Thai massage practitioners move your limbs around to stretch joints and gently massage key areas. Thai massage combines compression, acupressure, and passive stretching. These increase the range of motion in your joints and muscles. This can also improve your posture

What are the benefits of Thai massage?

Increased range of motion, reduced muscle tension in shoulders, neck, hips, hamstrings, and back.