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Utilize NormaTec® Compression, Game Ready Cold Compression, FAR Infrared Sauna, Hot and Cold Contrast Tubs, Cold Touch Laser, Compex STIM or TENS.

Learn more about the benefits of each of these modalities below:

NormaTec® Compression

Compression Therapy: Boots, Shorts, and Sleeves

NormaTec Pulse Massage Pattern

NormaTec® uses compressed air to massage your legs, hips, or arms to mobilize fluid and speed recovery to help you recover faster between training sessions and after race day. Each session involves a pre-inflate cycle, during which the connected attachments are molded to your exact body shape. The treatment cycle then begins by compressing your feet and legs in a pulsing fashion, starting with your feet and moving up your legs, massaging the muscles and mobilizing fluid. Following hard workouts, the result is often both reduced soreness and a shorter recovery time before your legs are ready for another hard effort.

  • Increases circulation

  • Reduces pain and soreness

  • Muscles feel better faster

Full-length boots:

  • Five overlapping zones for gapless compression

  • Covers feet, ankles, calves, shins, hamstrings and quads

Full-length arm sleeves:

  • Five overlapping zones for gapless compression

  • Covers pecs, traps, lats, upper arms and forearms

Hip attachment:

  • Overlapping zones for gapless compression

  • Covers your quads, hamstrings, IT band, glutes, and lower back

Read the research: NormaTec and Glycogen Resynthesis

Game Ready

Ice and Compression

Game Ready

Game Ready uses ACCEL technology (Active Compression and Cold Exchange Loop) which combines ice therapy with compression therapy. Digital timers and presets allow for the perfect treatment for you. For many years, people have followed the RICE principles (Rest–Ice–Compression–Elevation) to control pain and swelling following a musculoskeletal injury or surgery. But with Game Ready, you can do more than treat symptoms. Go beyond passive, static cold and compression applications. Game Ready is used by thousands of leading orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and athletic trainers, as well as countless patients, elite athletes, professional sports teams, and special military forces around the world.

Active Cryotherapy:

Continuous exchange loop, rapidly circulating ice water actively and evenly removes heat and cools the injured tissue to reduce edema, muscle spasms, and pain.

Active Compression Therapy:

Intermittent pneumatic compression actively mimics natural “squeeze and release” muscle contractions, helping to pump edema away while stimulating the flow of oxygenated blood to the injury site.

Game Ready - Shoulder

Circumferential Coverage:

Air pressure conforms the anatomically engineered, low-profile, circumferential wraps to the body for better surface contact, enhancing the system’s ability to deliver consistent cooling and to pull heat away from the injury site.

Faster, Deeper Cooling:

Faster, deeper-penetrating, longer-lasting intramuscular cooling slows cellular metabolism, helping the body to minimize secondary tissue damage – and less damage means faster recovery.

  • Non-narcotic musculoskeletal injury pain relief

  • Accelerated healing

  • Choose between 3 settings of compression

  • Use without compression for basic cold therapy (fractures or acute sprains)

  • Circumferential wraps provide better surface area coverage

  • Cold therapy temperatures can be programmed to a specific range from 35 degrees to 50 degrees

Cold Laser

Low Level Laser Therapy

Low level, "cold" laser therapy (LLLT) aids in the increase of ATP production as well as protein synthesis, facilitates tissue repair, aids in treatment of post-surgical and post-traumatic acute pain. Cold laser can help with temporary relief of minor pain of musculoskeletal origin, micro-current electrical stimulation, symptomatic relief of chronic and intractable pain.

Read the research: White Paper


Muscle Stimulator with TENS

EMS (Electrical muscle stimulation) provides an electrical current at a specifically designed frequency to target motor nerves. These nerves activate the muscle to contract based on the amount of resistance applied through the device. The brain goes through a similar process when actual weights are lifted.

TENS is designed to target sensory nerves. Typically, sensory nerves receive a signal that they relay to the brain, the brain then decides if the stimulus is painful, soft, warm, etc. When using a TENS program the goal is to alleviate pain by either inducing an endorphin release (Low Frequency TENS programs) or to block the pain signals to the brain through the Gate Theory (High Frequency TENS programs).

  • Reduce Muscle & Joint Damage

  • Avoid Training Fatigue

  • Faster Recovery

  • Pain Management

Training Recovery:

Facilitates relaxation aid of muscles and helps reduce muscle soreness and stiffness following competition or demanding workouts.

Muscle relaxation:

Electrostimulation develops the blood capillary network of the exposed muscles. This helps improve irrigation and oxygenation.

Competition Recovery / Recovery Plus®:

Does not contract the muscle. It allows fresh oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the muscles, helping to clear lactic acid and increase blood flow through low frequency twitches; good for muscles that are fatigued from (DOMS)- delayed onset muscle soreness.

Pre Warmup:

Does not contract the muscle. It runs at a frequency specifically targeted to increase blood flow to help oxygenate the muscles prior to a workout or competition.


Recommended before a workout or competition, especially for sports requiring speed and velocity. Applied briefly just before the beginning of a competition, it offers immediate, well potentiated muscle fibers and an optimal level of performance.

FAR Infrared Sauna

Far infrared saunas heat the body directly rather than heating the air around your body

In a far infrared sauna, about 20% of the heat goes to heating the air and the other 80% heats your body. This radiant heat penetrates the skin more deeply than traditional saunas.

  • Improve blood flow and circulation

  • Rid the body of toxins

  • Reduced blood pressure

  • Stress relief

  • Improved muscle recovery

  • Decrease in pain and inflammation after exercise

Hot and Cold Tubs

Benefits of Contrast Hydrotherapy

Quick changes in temperature help with pain and injury rehab (especially repetitive strain injuries)

  • Improve circulation

  • Decrease pain and muscle spasm

  • Increase range of motion

  • Improve functional mobility

  • Stimulation without stress

  • Strong sensations without movement

  • Helpful for people with plantar fasciitis, shin splints, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, Achilles tendinitis

Benefits of Hot Soaking Tub 

  • Deep muscle repair

  • Joint relief

  • Detoxification

  • Manages pain

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Improves sleep

  • Builds immune system

  • Stress reduction

  • Meditative mindfulness

Reduce Pain and Discomfort: The combination of warm water and a level of buoyancy in your limbs allows for muscles and joints to heal from injury, symptoms of arthritis and fibromyalgia are relieved, and post-workout soaking can reduce soreness overall.

Allows Relaxation: Soaking in hot water allows for relaxation with psychological and physiological impacts. Time spent in the tub unwinding is beneficial in so many ways. Finding time to relax allows for a better night sleep, leading to a more energized morning.

Detoxify the Body: Soaking in hot water increases your body temperature which allows for immune cell travel and tissue repair. Sweating allows your body to pull toxins out of your body, creating energy and peace of mind.

Cold Water Plunge 

  • Improves circulation

  • Speeds injury recovery

  • Builds immune system

  • Increases energy and well-being

  • Decreases seasonal anxiety and depression

  • Increases testosterone

  • Keeps hair and skin healthy

Reduce Sore Muscles: Lactic acid builds up in your muscles post-workout. Cold tub plunging helps reduce the level of acid in your muscles which means less swelling, less pain and a faster recovery.

Recover Quickly: Using cold tub plunging has been shown to help in injury recovery. Athletes, coaches, and sports doctors have use cold tub therapy as a means to help athletes, and others, recover from overworked muscles and injuries alike.

Reap the Benefits: Cold water plunging lower the temperature of damaged tissue and constricts the blood vessels. This reduces swelling and inflammation. It numbs the nerve endings to bring relief to injured muscles and joints.