Crushing Goals and World Records, with Help From PRIME.
Susan Penner, 65, on her Concept 2 rowing machine, which she used to set world records and lose 45 lbs.
Photo credit: Susan Penner
Not many people make it into the Guiness Book of World Records. And when you live in a more remote location like Hawaii, it can be tough to get access to the resources and people you need to achieve your goals. However, you aren’t completely cut off from Prime’s assistance to improve your health. We can help through Zoom!
At 65 years old, Susan’s doctor advised her that she was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. To avoid expensive medication and treatment, the physician recommended that she find a full-body workout that would improve her cardiovascular endurance, strength, and flexibility in a mindful and meditative way.
While searching for activities that checked all these boxes, she discovered indoor rowing, which seemed to be exactly what she was looking for. The day she decided to go for it, she stumbled across a pre-owned Concept 2 rowing machine on the island. It was meant to be! The machine was less than 6 months old and in perfect condition. Susan brought it home, set it up in her garage and got started.
Regatta Fitness’ online app and video library were instrumental in providing her resources to get started and begin to build her form. However, her breakthrough came when she joined Prime’s Indoor Rowing Fundamentals class, offered virtually over Zoom. Instructor Kathleen Faust, a longtime rowing coach and part of the Prime team, was instrumental in improving her stroke. With these improvements in technique, she was able to complete a half-marathon and clock a full one million meters in her first season. Three seasons in, she now has over four million meters logged.
Through Concept 2, she was invited to join a team of Over-Sixty enthusiasts and, in 2022, they rowed a combined 1 Billion meters - making it into the Guiness Book of World Records. Following that tremendous success, the team upped their challenge and more than doubled their meters in 2023. Susan is no longer pre-diabetic, losing 45 pounds and keeping it off with her newfound routine.
In a telehealth session with Kerry, Susan learned soft tissue mobilization techniques to stay fresh before and after each rowing workout. She uses her foam roller and lacrosse ball to reduce restrictions in her fascia and muscles from her workout to keep her shoulders, back, and hips from breaking down. She starts her day with rolling, uses it as a midday break, and completes her daily rowing workout with a few minutes to decrease any soreness. Even though Susan lives over 1,000 miles from Prime’s business location, our community of coaches and providers are proud to have played a role in transforming Susan’s health.