5 Ways Prime Can Help During Your ‘Off Season’

whack a mole

Are you playing 'whack-a-mole' with your sports-related injuries?

Do you switch activities to avoid aches & pains w/o addressing your injury?

Where can you go to assess what's going on and implement a plan to help your body feel better?

You don't have to hurt! 

Maybe you've noticed an imbalance in your body that's causing aches and pains. You don't have to accept that, "This is just what happens when you get older..." At Prime, we know that there are actually things you can do to get stronger, move more efficiently and feel better!

But...Prevention is Boring! 

We hear it all the time. Prevention is boring! Most people wait...and wait...and wait...until an ache, pain or a minor strain turns into a full blown injury that sidelines you from your sport and keeps you from doing what you love.

I'm not a pro athlete.

I just want to...ride, run, swim, paddle, ski, climb, walk my dog, throw the ball with my kid, or continue to do whatever activity you love.

We want to help you stay in your prime - so you can do what you love. Prime opened to help every body feel, move and perform better. You don't have to be an elite athlete. If you have an activity you enjoy...then we'd love to help!

Moving parts break down.

When you pause long enough to take care of your body with massage, preventative exercises or stretching and simple treatments you can actually prevent an injury from progressing and becoming chronic.

Five Ways Prime can help you in the off season:

  1. Get to the root of an existing injury or find imbalances that can prevent future injuries.

    Schedule an athletic training appointment. Certified athletic trainers (AT's) are sports medicine professionals who will evaluate, diagnose and treat your injuries. AT's prescribe exercises that can help bring your body back into balance - especially in the off season. They will help you streamline the process and tie in with other medical professionals faster. The AT's at Prime will collaborate on your behalf with our team (massage, PT, chiropractic, sport psychology and nutrition) to make sure you have the resources you need.

  2. Take care of your tissues.

    Get a massage. Some people view massage as a 'luxury'...or think you have to do some epic thing to finally 'earn' it. No matter what sport you play your muscles can become tense, stiff and fatigued. There are so many benefits to massage. Your massage session at Prime will include evaluation, education about imbalances your therapist finds during your session, and concludes with recommend stretches or other important next steps to prevent a future injury.

  3. Set specific goals to address your strengths and weaknesses.

    Meet with a Strength Coach. It's important to assess your strengths and weaknesses and set some specific goals during the off season. Maybe you need more of a sport specific focus or maybe you need to work on countering the imbalances your specific sport has created so that you're ready to go the following season.

  4. Take time to rest and recover.

    Sports Recovery at Prime. Recovery at Prime isn't just about slipping into a set of NormaTec compression boots. (Although most people who try them agree how amazing they help you feel!) It’s about learning how to take better care of yourself on a more consistent basis. Not only will you have the accountability to actually get on your foam roller...you'll have someone teaching you how to foam roll specific areas...someone coaching you to make sure you’re doing it correctly…and someone on the floor actually rolling out with you! Recovery sessions at Prime will not only help you feel better…you’ll come away more empowered by learning new skills that you can take with you everywhere.

  5. Connect with our team of experts.

    Expert Care (& Knowledge) You Can’t Get Everywhere. Prime prides itself on spending time with each client to listen, ask questions and give you the attention and care you deserve. There’s no cookie-cutter approach to how a session will go. (You can ask our interns!)

    We may ask you to run or walk on the treadmill to assess your gait. We may have you to bring in your bike to adjust your setup. We may look at your shoes to see what we can learn from your wear pattern. We may ask for videos of you in action to see what we can learn about your technique that could add to an imbalance.

    Our practitioners stay on the cutting edge when it comes to evidenced-based tools and techniques. Our team follows the latest trends to separate fact from fiction. What makes Prime different is the collaborative team approach we take to your healthcare. If you have specific sports-related questions…our team can help you cut to the chase that will save valuable time, energy and resources.

    Be sure to follow us on Instagram for free tips from the Training Room and be sure to send us a message if there’s a tip you’d like to learn!


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